The Talents profile

The Talents Profile

Profil Talents TLP-Navigator


The Talents profile allows us to recognise our greatest assets. It highlights our personal strengths and helps us make the most of our natural resources in our professional lives.


Our talents are the foundation on which we build and understand ourselves. They manifest themselves when we feel a strong connection between what we do and who we are, and feeling at ease and happy multiplies our energy. When we are unaware of our individual talents, we build on an unstable foundation.


Based on a 15 minute questionnaire, the Talents can be supplied in different versions – short, medium or long – and includes the following chapters:

  • Assets in the workplace (version I, 6 pages, mainly used in career guidance)
  • With others
  • Career choices
  • Ability to change
  • Management style (version II, 14p., used in personal development and team building)
  • Team work
  • Personal development (version III, 25p., used in coaching coaching)


Read abour the Team Profile